Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 2 - Tuesday, May 12
Start - Charles City, VA
End - Ashland, VA
Miles (on route) - 52.5
Miles (total) - 59.5
Ave Spd - 12.2mph
Max Spd - 31.5mph
Total Ride Time - 5:15
Started the day later than I planned, actually got rolling around 11:00. The first half of the day was still very rural territory. I passed many battlefields, historical markers, and cannons all related to civil war battles just east of Richmond. Most of the markers had were related to the various battlefields that were the setting for the seven day battle. The day slowly introduced me to some mild hills, but still no real climbs. I know the true test is only 2 days away. From what I'm told, and what I have read, the most difficult part of the entire trek begins in the Blue Ridge Mountains. No grades, and constant repeated ascents. I'll try to keep a reasonable perspective on the situation; not get anxious or frustrated.
I later got into the city of Mechanicsville, the first largely populated area I've come to so far. I found the local bike shop, Pedal Power, who set me up with some extra tubes and even threw in a pressure gauge for me. The gentleman helping me there did the same route some years ago and shared some great stories, advice, and encouragement. I've been able to talk to several people about the trip on the route. There is always someone asking "where you going?" I guess I kind of stick out in the usual crowd around here.
The day ended just east of Ashland. I met Marcos and his family while asking for directions to the local campground. They kindly let me camp in the backyard as they had done for another rider only two weeks prior. They were generous enough to also make me a sandwich and provide me with a gatorade, and even let me shower. Thank God I needed that! It was also nice to have the company for a short time, talking with their kids while I set up my tent and gear. I can only hope my luck continues and I find more people as kind as them.

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you James! Be yourself and enjoy the wonderful life changing experiences. Will be watching your blog and living vicariously through you ;-) Much love and sending positive thoughts!
    Brianna Felz
