Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 8 - Monday, May 18
Start - Vesuvius (via Lexington)
End - Buena Vista
Miles (on the route) - 9
Miles (total) - 27.5
Ave Spd - 14.3mph
Max Spd - 29mph
Total Ride Time - 2:27
Took the bike into the local shop in Lexington to learn my fate, and used the library located conveniently next door while I waited. The mechanic replaced the tire and did his best to true up the wheel. I was surprised to hear that he thought it would be usable, even if only for a short time. Eventually, he expects it to start popping spokes. It's rideable but won't get me to the west coast, so I still need to get a decent wheel for the bike. He only had cheaper wheels that aren't made for touring duty so I'll have to have one shipped to me. Makes me nervous now, I'm feeling cautious about every bump and downhill. I suppose I got a little scare on that mountain.
Once the bike was finished I headed back to Vesuvius to pick up where I left off. No cheating allowed so I can't just move on from Lexington and leave 18.5 miles unaccounted for. The ride after the day off was sluggish, I guess I broke momentum. But I eventually tagged up at Gertie's in Vesuvius and made my way to the Mallard Duck campground halfway back to Lexington. There I met two other duos, one from Hawaii and the other from Huntsville AL. We shared some stories and I even had Pat from Huntsville, a very experienced biker, take a look at my cycle. He boosted my confidence in the wheel and seemed to think I shouldn't have a problem for a few days until I can get a new wheel. Tomorrow, I pick up the lost time and need to make some ground!


  1. Hey Jim, Josh again. I was just checking your route and it looks as if you may be going through Bozeman, MT towards the end of your trip. Let me know if you are. Ashby (came to visit at the Ville way back in the day) is still living there. ausherville@hotmail.com

  2. Pretty impressed that you backtracked those 18.5 miles. Those miles would have nagged you the rest of the way if you hadn't made them up.

    Hope we can still meet up in Kentucky.

  3. keep going Jimmy! So proud of you! Glad all things are working out!

  4. have your new wheel shipped to columbus and we'll bring it to you in kentucky... if your current one will make it that far!! good luck! stay safe...
